Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Interview on what student think of UITM

This week,we have manage to interview certain student and have set aside some question on UITM.
These are what the say,

Izzat Syamil
JPK, Exco Pembangunan Insan
BM112, Part 5

"There are many facilities here that is adequate and enough for all student to use the utility given. So far many student from UITM will have high chance of getting work in the working industry as UITM have high reputation of being the best university in Malaysia."

Part 2,Office Management
From Kajang.

"From my point of view,UITM Jengka, Pahang have many hostel and is the suitable place to having any sport on the field. In fact as this place is quite peaceful thus making it the place to study."

Nadia Syafiqah, Bm111, Part 5

"I find it easy to learn here and eventhough Jengka is far from home but that makes me an independent student."

Liya, EC110, Part 3

"The DSG (Dewan Serba Guna) is huge and the environment here is conducive for student. The cafe here also have enough food and tasty as well."